Korean J. Math. Vol. 27 No. 3 (2019) pp.743-765
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11568/kjm.2019.27.3.743

A study on understanding of definite integral and Riemann sum

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Hyeyoung Oh


Conceptual and procedural knowledge of integration is necessary not only in calculus but also in real analysis, complex analysis, and differential geometry. However, students show not only focused understanding of procedural knowledge but also limited understanding on conceptual knowledge of integration. So they are good at computation but don't recognize link between several concepts. In particular, Riemann sum is helpful in solving applied problem, but students are poor at understanding structure of Riemann sum. In this study, we try to investigate understanding on conceptual and procedural knowledge of integration and to analyze errors. Conducting experimental class of Riemann sum, we investigate the understanding of Riemann sum structure and so present the implications about improvement of integration teaching.

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Supporting Agencies

Incheon National University Research Grant


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