Korean J. Math. Vol. 29 No. 3 (2021) pp.501-510
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11568/kjm.2021.29.3.501

A generalized approach towards normality for topological spaces

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Ankit Gupta
Ratna Dev Sarma


A uniform study towards normality is provided for topological spaces. Following Cs\'{a}sz\'{a}r, γ-normality and γ(θ)-normality are introduced and investigated. For γΓ13, γ-normality is found to satisfy Urysohn's lemma and provide partition of unity. Several existing variants of normality such as θ-normality, Δ-normality etc. are shown to be particular cases of γ(θ)-normality. In this process, γ-regularity and γ(θ)-regularity are introduced and studied. Several important characterizations of all these notions are provided.

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