Korean J. Math. Vol. 29 No. 4 (2021) pp.665-677
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11568/kjm.2021.29.4.665

New Banach spaces defined by the domain of Riesz-Fibonacci matrix

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Pınar Zengin Alp
Emrah Evren Kara


The main object of this study is to introduce the spaces $c_0(\widehat{F}^q)$ and $c(\widehat{F}^q)$ derived by the matrix $\widehat{F}^q$ which is the multiplication of Riesz matrix and Fibonacci matrix. Moreover, we find the $\alpha$-, $\beta$-, $\gamma$- duals of these spaces and give the characterization of matrix classes $(\Lambda(\widehat{F}^q),\Omega)$ and $(\Omega,\Lambda(\widehat{F}^q))$ for $\Lambda\in\{c_0,c\}$ and $\Omega\in\{\ell_1,c_0,c,\ell_\infty\}$.

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