Korean J. Math. Vol. 32 No. 2 (2024) pp.195-211
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11568/kjm.2024.32.2.195

Fuzzy lattice ordered group based on fuzzy partial ordering relation

Main Article Content

Sileshe Gone Korma
Radhakrishna Kishore Parimi
Dawit Chernet Kifetew


In this paper, we introduce the concept of a fuzzy lattice ordered group, which is based on a fuzzy lattice that Chon developed in his paper "Fuzzy Partial Order Relations and Fuzzy Lattice". We will also discuss fuzzy lattice-ordered groups in detail, provide several results that are analogous to the classical theory of lattice-ordered groups, and characterize the relationship between a fuzzy lattice-ordered group using its level set and support. Moreover, we define the concepts of fl-subgroups, quotients, and cosets of fl-groups and obtain some fundamental results for these fuzzy algebraic structures.

Article Details

Supporting Agencies

Arba Minch University


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