Korean J. Math. Vol. 32 No. 3 (2024) pp.561-591
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11568/kjm.2024.32.3.561

Cone $\mathfrak{C}$-class functions using $(CLR_{\Gamma \mathfrak{L} })$-property on cone $b$-normed spaces with application

Main Article Content

K. Maheshwaran
Arslan Hojat Ansari
Stojan N Radenovic
M.S. Khan
Yumnam Mahendra Singh


In this article, we demonstrate the conditions for the existence of common fixed points $(CFP)$ theorems for four self-maps satisfying the common limit range $(CLR)$-property on cone $b$-normed spaces $(CbNS)$ via $\mathfrak{C}$-class functions. Furthermore, we have a unique common fixed point for two weakly compatible $ (WC)$ pairings. Towards the end, the existence and uniqueness of common solutions for systems of functional equations arising in dynamic programming are discussed as an application of our main result.

Article Details


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