Korean J. Math. Vol. 22 No. 2 (2014) pp.367-381
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11568/kjm.2014.22.2.367

Coincidences of different types of fuzzy ideals in ordered $\Gamma$-semigroups

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Arunothai Kanlaya
Aiyared Iampan


The notion of $\Gamma$-semigroups was introduced by Sen in 1981 and that of fuzzy sets by Zadeh in 1965. Any semigroup can be reduced to a $\Gamma$-semigroup but a $\Gamma$-semigroup does not necessarily reduce to a semigroup. In this paper, we study the coincidences of fuzzy generalized bi-ideals, fuzzy bi-ideals, fuzzy interior ideals and fuzzy ideals in regular, left regular, right regular, intra-regular, semisimple ordered $\Gamma$-semigroups.

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Supporting Agencies

This research was supported by the Group for Young Algebraists in University of Phayao (GYA) Thailand.


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