Korean J. Math. Vol. 25 No. 1 (2017) pp.117-126
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11568/kjm.2017.25.1.117

Subnormality of the weighted Ces\`aro operator $ C_h \in l^2(h) $

Main Article Content

Abderazak Hechifa
Abdelouahab Mansour


The subnormality of some classes of operators is a very interesting property. In this paper, we prove that the weighted Ces\`aro operator $ C_h \in \ell^2(h) $ is subnormal and we described completely the set of the extended eigenvalues for the weighted Ces\`aro operator, some other important results are also given.

Article Details

Supporting Agencies

Operator theory laboratory Eloued university Algeria.


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