Korean J. Math. Vol. 25 No. 3 (2017) pp.303-321
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11568/kjm.2017.25.3.303

Stability in nonlinear neutral Levin-Nohel integro-differential equations

Main Article Content

Kamel Ali Khelil
Abdelouaheb Ardjouni
Ahcene Djoudi


In this paper we use the Krasnoselskii-Burton's fixed point theorem to obtain asymptotic stability and stability results about the zero solution for the following nonlinear neutral Levin-Nohel integro-differential equation
x^{\prime }(t)+\int_{t-\tau (t)}^{t}a(t,s)g\left( x(s)\right)
ds+c(t)x^{\prime }(t-\tau (t))=0.
The results obtained here extend the work of Mesmouli, Ardjouni and Djoudi [20].

Article Details


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