Korean J. Math. Vol. 26 No. 1 (2018) pp.143-153
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11568/kjm.2018.26.1.143

On $0$-minimal $(m, n)$-ideal in an LA-semigroup

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Thiti Gaketem


In this paper, we define $0$-minimal $(m, n)$-ideals in an LA-semigroup $S$ and prove that if $R (L)$ is a 0-minimal right (left) ideal of $S$, then either $R^mL^n = \{0\}$ or $R^mL^n$ is a $0$-minimal $(m, n)$-ideal of $S$ for $m, n \geq 3$.

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Supporting Agencies

School of Science University of Phayao grant.


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