Korean J. Math. Vol. 26 No. 4 (2018) pp.757-775
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11568/kjm.2018.26.4.757

The sequential attainability and attainable ace

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Buhyeon Kang


For any non-negative real number ϵ0, we shall introduce a concept of the ϵ0-dense subset of Rm. Applying this concept, for any sequence {ϵn} of positive real numbers, we also introduce the concept of the {ϵn}-attainable sequence and of the points of {ϵn}-attainable ace in the open subset of Rm. We also study the characteristics of those sequences and of the points of {ϵn}-dense ace. And we research the conditions that an {ϵn}-attainable sequence has no {ϵn}-attainable ace. We hope to reconsider the social consideration on the ace in social life by referring to these concepts about the aces.

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